Shervon believes psychotherapy, yoga therapy and mindfulness based psychedelic therapy are collaborative efforts between client and therapist in which we both are present and committed to the work of transformation. Mindfulness-based theories are applied to help clients heal and build self-awareness while clearing away the mud from the lens through which they see themselves and the world around them. Doing so can help to bring one's life into focus and balance. Shervon is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a Masters in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University of Maryland. She is also a certified Yoga Therapist through Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy School and a Mindfulness Based Psychedelic Therapist through the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness. Shervon has over 20 years of experience as a therapist working with individuals living with depression, anxiety, C-PTSD/PTSD, chronic pain and autoimmune disorders.
Restore Tranquility, LLC
Silver Spring
Mindfulness Based Psychedelic Therapy
Case by Case